Study Group Proposal Guidelines

    All the Study Group slots have been filled for 2015. We'll start accepting proposals for RS16 in May.

    Thank you for interest in leading a Study Group at Readers Studio!

    As you can imagine, offering a Readers Studio Study Group has become an extremely popular way to share teachings, and has the potential to be quite lucrative. We now receive many more proposals than the 9 available slots. This has made organizing this part of the conference more complex and time-consuming.

    The following proposal guidelines were developed to help facilitate the process of choosing the best mix of classes:


    You are eligible to submit a Study Group proposal if…

    You have previously attended a Readers Studio.

    You have not presented a Study Group in the last year.

    What we're looking for:

    We are primarily looking for Study Groups that use tarot cards, teach an oracle that can be used in conjunction with a tarot reading, or discuss a topic that can help a reader with their professional career. If your proposal does not fit any of those categories, it will not be considered. If it does, read on…

    STEP ONE: Register

    You must register for RS15 *BEFORE* you submit your Study Group proposal for review. (We're sure you can understand that we can't offer and promote your class until you have made the commitment to attend the conference.)

    There is a non-refundable $35 submission fee to help support the viability of the program.

    You can register any time through our website or you can call us at 800-804-2184. You'll also be able to pay your submission fee through this link — just scroll down a bit until you find it and add it to your cart.

    STEP TWO: Submit Materials

    Please submit the following with your proposal:

      An outline or synopsis of your Study Group. You may submit more than one idea for consideration. Note: When naming your Study Group, please keep it SHORT! You may include a longer subtitle, but the main title must fit in tight spots, such as your sign-up sheet and room sign.

      A 1-2 paragraph promotional blurb. The promo blurb is what is going to bring you students (and make you money), so make sure it's clear and written to be attractive to the people you'd like to have in your class.

      A short biography (2-3 lines)

      A headshot. If you have a picture on the Readers Studio Ning or on your Facebook page, we can use that if you like. Please attach the photo or tell us where we can find it online.

    STEP THREE: The Approval Process

    Study Group proposals are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. We will select nine proposals that meet the criteria, include all the requested materials, and make a good mix of topics. (IMPORTANT: A proposal will not be considered if the submission fee or any of the above materials are missing.)

    STEP FOUR: Promotion

    If your proposal is accepted, we will feature your Study Group on the Readers Studio website and in the conference program book. We'll also mention it in our Tarot Tips newsletter and on the Tarot School Facebook Page.

    We strongly recommend you post your class as an Event on the Readers Studio Ning, and promote it (and Readers Studio) to your lists and social networks. If you do any interviews during the course of the year, that would be another good way to build excitement for your Study Group and get more students.


    Tuition is $35 per student, payable directly to the Study Group leader at the time of class. Sign-up sheets will be placed on a table outside the ballroom after event registration has closed on Friday.

    Location and Time:

    Study Groups meet in breakout rooms on the Lower Level from 9 – 11pm on Thursday and Friday nights.

    Audio/Visual Support:

    We do not provide AV support for Study Groups. You are welcome to bring your own projector if you have one and know how to operate it. However, the hotel charges $125 for a screen, projector table and cabling. Study Group leaders requiring a screen will be responsible for this charge. Class handouts are an economical alternative to AV.

    Study Groups are a valuable part of the Readers Studio experience, and attendees look forward to them with enthusiasm! We appreciate your interest in facilitating a class and in sharing your knowledge and skill with the community.

Click to Register

Teaching at The Readers Studio is a dream come true!
